Dear Delegate ___________: I am calling on you to not support/vote against Delegate Marshall's proposed legislation banning the dispensing of emergency contraception, a.k.a. morning after pills, on Virginia's campuses. Emergency contraception consists of a slightly increased dosage of the hormones contained in ordinary oral contraceptives/birth control pills. The medication is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and is not classified by federal drug regulators as a pill that induces abortion. Indeed, the FDA has confirmed that emergency contraception cannot end or harm an existing pregnancy. Instead, studies indicate that emergency contraception works by stopping ovulation-as does breastfeeding. Emergency contraception is necessary to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex - if a woman is assaulted or raped or no method of birth control was used. * Emergency
contraception could prevent almost 1.7 million unintended pregnancies
and 800,000 abortions each year in the United States. Abortion
is an issue of individual rights-a woman's right to make decisions about
her life, her body, her future, and her reproduction. Please protect a
woman's right to choose. Also, please vote against Delegate Marshall's
misleading and misguided proposal.