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Charter Your Club Today! In Three Easy Steps!!!

1) Get 10 or More People Together.
2) Fill Out Chartering Application Forms, And Mail Them To Us.
3) Email Or Call Your Congrssional District Chair and Regional Chair.

Of course to make a strong, self-reliant organization you'll need to do more than just this. So thats why we've compiled some tips to help you out with your newly formed organization.

  • Form a core group of leaders who can work together to make the organization strong. Once you have this, the organization will live beyond one person.
  • Have meetings every two weeks featuring a guest speaker focussed on a certain niche political issue. You'll pull in lots of new faces who are interested in the topic of discussion.
  • Advertise your meetings well in advance so that folks can accomodate it on their calendars. Send out a reminder email a day before the meeting.
  • When posting flyers for meetings on college bulletin boards, post multiple flyers on one board so as to attract attention. Also it guarantees that your flyers will be seen for several days and wont be covered up immediately.
  • Get in touch with other Young Democrat leaders across the Commonwealth. IM them, email them, establish a relationship. The tighter our network, the stronger the party.
  • Attend local Democratic committee events, get involved with them. Become close with fellow older Democrats in your community.
  • Support Democratic campaigns by offering to volunteer in the office and help out with canvassing on weekends.
  • Establish you're own bank account. You'll need an SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number which you can acquire from the IRS. With your own bank account you can manage your organizations finances as you see fit, without having to deal with your university's student activities accounting folks. You can also get a handy bank card which is very useful.




For Virginia Young Democrats Website Related Questions, Please Contact Peter Feddo at Peter@RichmondYD.org
Paid for and authorized by the Virginia Young Democrats
1108 E. Main St. 2nd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Contributions are not tax-deductible