>>E-Mail Lists

VYD Lists

The Virginia Young Democrats runs two e-mail lists -- one for official announcements and the other for general discussion.

Just send an e-mail message to


In the body of the message, put

subscribe vydo your@email.com
(to subscribe to VYD-OFFICIAL)


subscribe vydd your@email.com
(to subscribe to VYD-DISCUSS)

Of course, substitute your real e-mail address for your@email.com.

If you ever want to unsubcribe, just send another e-mail to lists@vayoungdemocrats.org with

unsubscribe vydo your@email.com


unsubscribe vydd your@email.com

in the message.

Once you're subscribed, any message sent to


will be sent to the entire list if approved by the moderator.

Any message sent to


will be sent to the entire list immediately.

YDA Lists

Young Democrats of America runs two e-mail lists -- one for official announcements and the other for general discussion.

To subscribe, send a blank e-mail message to

yda-official-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and/or

To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail message to

yda-official-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com or

Once you are subscribed, any message sent to

yda-official@yahoogroups.com or

will be sent to the entire list.

Paid for and authorized by the Virginia Young Democrats
1108 E. Main St. 2nd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Contributions are not tax-deductible