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A small town in the middle of a big city . . . a historic area that is in the midst of a modern revitalization . . . a community enriched by the cultural traditions of residents from around the world. The 44th District can be described in all these ways.
The district stretches from the Huntington Metro Station in the north to the northern boundary of Fort Belvoir in the south. The Richmond Highway corridor is one of the prime redevelopment sites in Northern Virginia - since 1985, more than $550 million of new investment has brought new businesses and new jobs to the area. More than 75,000 residents call this part of southeastern Fairfax County home.
The district includes some of our nations greatest historic treasures. Mount Vernon, home of our nations first President, and Woodlawn, a gift from George Washington to his nephew Major Lawrence Lewis and his wife Eleanor "Nelly" Custis, both lie within its boundaries. More than 1 million people visit these historic sites each year.
Natural beauty abounds. Residents use the bike path along the beautiful Potomac River for recreation, relaxation, and even for commuting by bicycle. Historic Huntley Meadows Park lies just south of the district.